Thursday, February 28, 2013

I Have A New Hobby ~ Contesting

I have had entering contests on my "want to do" list for some time.  For some reason I kept telling myself not now.  Finally I got fed up with myself and told myself - just do it already!!!!!!  So last month I started. 

It's amazing what you can find when you Google "iPad contests".  Thru Google, I found blog contests and a lot of wonderful blogs out there.  And I've been lucky.  I've had 5 nice wins since I started.  Nothing HUGE yet, but nice wins.

Anyway, the point is, I've been contesting.  Some of the things I've done to earn entries are to post Tweets about them on Twitter, pin things to my Pinterest page, like pages on Facebook and post about the contests on Facebook.  Oh yeah,  and blog about them. 

So, getting to back to the point.  You have seen and will continue to see posts on my Facebook pages about contests I've entered.  Feel free to check them out.  And you will start seeing posts here on my blog about them.  You'll notice that I have started adding 'Blog Buttons" on my blog.  Who knows, maybe I'll enter the realm of taking part in contests (mostly known as giveaways) on my blog.

BTW:  Why am I doing this?  Why, to win!!!  I'm trying to win Jim a Chromebook, new appliances for us, gift cards, cash, and that cute cupcake apron that I keep sharing on Facebook.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Late to bed; late to rise.......

I know what Ben Franklin has to say about early to bed and early to rise.  I guess he'd shake his head at me and just call me a sluggard.  Well gee, insert choice words here.

It might be past the noon hour, and yes, I didn't just roll out of bed, and I've got my day going.  Laundry and such.  I'm feeling some better today.  I did talk to Jim yesterday and he understood what I was feeling.  He made sure I was still on my anti-depressant (or as I call it, better living thru chemicals).  As I said yesterday, just knowing what's going on helps.  As for what to do about it, well, I'm working on that.  It would help if I were physically able to be more active, but I'm not there yet.  That will come as the weeks go on.  I have plans to go back to the gym and Weight Watchers in 5 weeks.

So moving on.  Here's what I want to say today.  Its getting better and it will continue to get better.  I'm going to start adding more activity in 5 weeks, and I'm thinking of adding yoga before then.  Sister Nancy will have to get on me about that one.  In 3 1/2 weeks we have a trip to Knoxville!!  After that we'll see about going a little further from home on our Saturday date day.  Oh, and late to rise isn't a bad thing.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Blue Monday

I guess it shouldn't come as any great surprise to me to find myself feeling a little depressed lately.  Considering what's been going on in my life the last year.  Starting with Dad's open heart surgery last February and ending with the end of my chemotherapy this month.  In the middle of that put a year of just not feeling that great.  So, no, I'm not surprised I'm feeling a bit depressed.

Now, the good news in all that.  I know how I'm feeling.  I can pin the start of it to last week.  Knowing what's going on is a huge step.  I'm aware of it, and I can take action to deal with it.  Like yesterday.  I was feeling creative.  I have a cork board behind the desk I'm working at.  Saturday I bought some large glittery scrapbook pages and some shamrock stickers (for good luck).  Yesterday I put them up.  Sitting here now at my computer I'm looking at a cheery background that is all nice and sparkly.  I even put up a picture of me and my 3 sisters (smaller version of the one I gave them in a picture frame for Christmas - Sisters~Sisters!).  Friday, I rearranged what was on the desk to reflect me and not all hodge-podge (Don't know where to put it?  Put it on the desk....).  And yes, sister Nancy, it includes a couple of Carnival glasses (and now my colorful corkboard has a drink umbrella on it!)

So what else do I do?  Well, first off, after I finish this, I talk to Jim (before I post this).  I made myself start the laundry today.  I woke up this morning telling myself that I would just put it off until tomorrow.  I'm looking for, oh, what's the word I want to use here.....okay, cheap, cheap speakers for my iPod so I can listen to music while I'm here in the spare room.  I/we have scented candles burning.  I remind myself of the things I have to look forward to coming up.  Like our trip to Knoxville to see Jimmy and Kim next month.  Our trip to Ohio at Memorial Day to see our families.  And our big cruise in October.  Plus, there is our Saturday "date day" every week.  And just knowing that I'm not in this alone.  Life is good.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


That last post was for a contest.  You'll be seeing  more contest posts in the future.  And I'll be writing more about that in the future.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Slowly Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

A new week. I had hoped to post yesterday, but spent a long time catching up on contests. Same thing happened today. I've been contesting about 5 weeks now and I'm still trying to get a system going. And I need to remind myself that I can't enter everything.

Last week was okay. The side effects hit fast; queasy stomach and fatigue hit early Tuesday evening. The upside was that they were over faster too. I slept in on Saturday, Sunday and Monday and then went the rest of the day without a nap. Yesterday we went out for a late lunch and stopped in at Target. I was tired when we left Target, still, it was nice to be out of the house.

That's it for me today, I hoped to ramble on a little more but my body is saying I'm done for the day. Time to head out to the couch.

Friday, February 8, 2013


I don't have a lot to write about today. Well, I do, but I've got things I want to think about a little more before I write about them. Anyway, it's a bit of a gray day here. Rain in the forecast and the sun will be hiding from us a bit. Typical weather for this time of the year.

Monday is my last chemo treatment, Tuesday is my last shot. As much as I wanted to try to write every weekday (and missed yesterday), I won't be posting next week and I don't know when or if I'll be posting the following week. Monday is a long day and the Benadryl that they give me is pretty potent and I'll be dozing on and off the whole day. Tuesday the steroid they give me is still working and while I might take a nap, Tuesday will be the last day I am pretty much with it for the week. They rest of the week will be spent in bed or on the couch (until I decide to go back to bed). Last month it was Sunday before I really felt human again. I don't know if it will be Sunday again this month or Monday. Anyway, it takes a little while for me to get back into the swing of things after chemo.

As I wrote before after next week, we'll go into a new phase. My intent after I walk out of the building on Tuesday is to begin what I'm calling recovery. I intend to start back at Weight Watchers after six weeks. I intend to start some type of exercise. And I intend to write more about my intentions.

As a side note. On Monday, I have a new Coach purse arriving to celebrate the end of chemo. My sister made the comment that it looked like a "happy" purse and I could use a "happy" purse right now. I thought that was sweet and I thought that it fits. I was going to buy a pair of gold glitter Tom's shoes to celebrate (I've been wearing red glitter Tom's to chemo~I figure such a scarey and serious thing could use red glitter shoes); but Tom's doesn't make them. They should. Anyway, I'm all about making things special.

One last comment. In making things special for chemo, I have a beautiful Purple Paisley Metro Retro Tote from Thiry-One Gifts that my big sister gave me, along with a beautiful and WARM purple prayer shawl. The bag is my chemo bag, I keep the shawl in it as well as the other things I bring with me to chemo. I mentioned the shawl is warm - that's important, it is COLD in the chemo room. I'll be wearing my Brighton necklace given to me by another sister and the pink heart bead she gave me. And to have something from my other sister, I'll be sticking the small flower paintings she painted and gave me for Christmas in my bag. Special. I'll have something from each of my sisters with me. I'm going to surround myself with love.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Anticipation. And not like in the old Heinz catsup commercial's where they used the Carly Simon song. Anticipation, as in, anticipating my next and last chemo treatment. Five days from today I'll have my last infusions. Six days from today I'll have my last shot of Neulasta. And then, then, we (we, as in Jim and I) start into the great unknown.

The unknown, as in, what's next. We know it will be 3 month follow-ups with Dr. Dang. But will it be chemo, with a follow up in a month and then 3 months later? Or chemo and no follow up until 3 months later. We've been going once a month since September. It will be strange not to have that 1 month follow up.

Going into post chemo will kinda' be like right after diagnosis, you question every little thing that happens and wonder if that means your progressing, or if it's something important you should tell the doctor. The question now is, does this mean I'm going out of remission. Yes, remission has been achieved. This, however; is not a "curable" disease (well, at least not yet), there is no 5 year wait to see if I'm cured. There just is chemo to relieve the symptoms, to lower the white count, reduce the lymph nodes, raise the red counts, etc.

Of course, I can choose not to worry. I can remind myself not to borrow trouble. I can plan how I want my life to look like, how I want it to be. I've already started some planning. We have a trip to Knoxville coming up in March. We're talking about a day trip to Nashville to go to (wait for it.......) White Castle. There is the trip to Ohio for Memorial Day. And in October, our cruise with Nancy and Rick. And then there is the mundane things. More housework, resuming meal making (gee, do I even remember how to cook?), and so on.

I know! It's an adventure!! Something to get excited about, to go forward in joy, not fear. First up: celebrate the end of chemo ~ I'm signing off and going to buy a purse!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Here I go again

Well, gee. I didn't intend to go so long without posting anything. It's just that as I have gone thru my treatments, my mind goes blank at a certain point of the day. Kinda' hard to write when your brain goes numb.

All in all I would say that treatment has been okay. The biggest problems I've had have been fatigue and, well, kind of embarrassing to say, constipation. I still have all my hair. It's about 6 inches shorter than what it was before treatment. And it hasn't been colored since September. I have real nice dark roots with a smattering of gray in them. I haven't lost weight. In fact, I'm up about 5 pounds. Which is okay. I can live with that. My eating isn't horrible, but then I basically eat what appeals to me. There will be time to take the weight off after treatment is over. Treatment, hmmm, a nice word for chemo.

So let's talk intents here. What is my intention for this blog? I see it as an outlet. A place to write my thoughts. I would like to keep up with this better than what I had before.

And I would also like to link this up to Facebook. Grrr. Facebook. I got found out today. I had a separate account, which I knew setting it up was a no-no; but I thought I'd have more time to get it straighten out. Nope. Got caught today. I've been entering contests and have been trying to keep my FB likes for them separate from my regular account. Not sure how that's going to work with this.

So, I intend to write and intend to continue to enter contests. Quite frankly, I don't know if I care if my Facebook page gets cluttered. I can always go to my friends page to see what's up with them. I don't want to stop entering contests. I've won 2, and want to continue. We'll see how it goes.